Session Info
SELECT current_database(), current_role, current_schema(),
current_schemas(true), pg_backend_pid(), pg_current_xact_id(),
inet_client_addr(), inet_server_addr() ;
Session Status
SELECT datname, usename,
sum(case when state='active' then 1 else 0 end) as active,
sum(case when state='idle' then 1 else 0 end) as idle,
sum(case when state is null then 1 else 0 end) as background,
count(1) as total
FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity
GROUP BY datname, usename;
SELECT sum(case when state='active' then 1 else 0 end) as active,
sum(case when state='idle' then 1 else 0 end) as idle,
sum(case when state is null then 1 else 0 end) as background,
count(1) as total
FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity;
-- pgMonitor Exporter (ccp_connection_stats)
SELECT ((total - idle) - idle_in_txn) as active, total, idle, idle_in_txn,
(SELECT coalesce(extract(epoch from (max(now() - state_change))),0)
FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity
WHERE state = 'idle in transaction') as max_idle_in_txn_time,
(SELECT coalesce(extract(epoch from (max(now() - query_start))),0)
FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity
WHERE backend_type = 'client backend' and state <> 'idle' ) as max_query_time,
(SELECT coalesce(extract(epoch from (max(now() - query_start))),0)
FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity
WHERE backend_type = 'client backend' and wait_event_type = 'Lock' ) as max_blocked_query_time,
FROM (SELECT count(*) as total,
coalesce(sum(case when state = 'idle' then 1 else 0 end),0) as idle,
coalesce(sum(case when state = 'idle in transaction' then 1 else 0 end),0) as idle_in_txn
FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity) x
JOIN (SELECT setting::float AS max_connections
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name = 'max_connections') xx ON (true);
select datname, pid, leader_pid, backend_type,
usename, application_name,
state, wait_event_type, wait_event,
trunc(extract(epoch from current_timestamp-backend_start)) session_age,
trunc(extract(epoch from current_timestamp-xact_start)) transaction_age,
trunc(extract(epoch from current_timestamp-query_start)) query_age,
trunc(extract(epoch from current_timestamp-state_change)) state_age,
client_addr, client_hostname
from pg_stat_activity
order by state, usename;
Cancel Session
SELECT pg_cancel_backend(<pid>);
Disconnect Session
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(<pid>);
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid)
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE usename = '<role>';
Cancel All Long Running SQL
now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start AS duration,
state, pg_cancel_backend(pid) as cancelled
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE (now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start) > interval '5 minutes' and backend_type='client backend' and state='active';
Session Info with Client Details
SELECT datname, as pid, usename, client_addr, client_port,
round(extract(epoch from (now() - xact_start))) as age,
wait_event_type IS NOT DISTINCT FROM 'Lock' AS waiting,
NULLIF(array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT unnest(pg_blocking_pids( ORDER BY 1), ','), '') as locked_by,
CASE WHEN state = 'idle in transaction' THEN
CASE WHEN xact_start != state_change THEN
'idle in transaction ' || CAST( abs(round(extract(epoch from (now() - state_change)))) AS text)
ELSE 'idle in transaction'
WHEN state = 'active' THEN query
ELSE state
END AS query
FROM pg_stat_activity a
WHERE != pg_backend_pid() AND a.datname IS NOT NULL GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9